After reviewing countless job applications from recent college grads and young professionals, I’ve learned one thing… your resume needs to be on POINT! An employer will skip over your application immediately, if your resume doesn’t look and sound up to par! That’s why I’ve decided to make your resume process just a little bit easier! In this blog post, you will receive a FREE Resume Template along with tips on how to use it!
Now.. while having a resume template is helpful, we ALL know that using a resume template does not guarantee you a job! It’s all about how you use it! Download your free resume template below and keep reading for step-by-step tips on how to use it!

Step One: Input and Organize!
The first thing you want to do with your resume template, is input all the correct information (job title, job position, and length of time in that position). Don’t worry about the bullet points just yet!
After that, make sure everything is in chronological order! This is really important, because employers HATE trying to figure out how long you’ve worked at a job.
Pro Tip: While the rule of thumb is to keep your resume to one page, if you have a ton of experience for the job you really want, I say add it! Even if it goes over a page. However, only add the experiences that highlight your best work and do not go past two pages (especially if you’re new to the job hunt)!
Step Two: Make a List!
It’s no secret that the hardest part of the resume is writing the BULLET POINTS! Here’s what I suggest: Make a list of everything you’ve ever done on a separate piece of paper! Don’t worry about sounding fancy. The point is to get everything down on paper so that you can see what you’ve accomplished!
Not sure what to put on your list? Consider the following:
A time you made things easier (i.e increased productivity)
A time you were in charge of someone or something (i.e. supervision/management skills)
A time you were innovative, creative, or strategic (i.e. implementation/leadership skills)
A time you collaborated with others (i.e. used your soft skills like: team work, multi-tasking, problem solving, etc.)
A time you developed something (i.e. used your hard skills like: photoshop, programming, social media strategy, etc.)
Pro Tip: Make a resume with everything on it! Every job, every internship, everything! I call this a “Master Resume”. Learn more about why having a Master Resume is so important, here!

Step Three: Make it F.A.B!
F – Fit the Job Description!
A – Add Numbers and Time Frames!
B – Brag!
Fit the Job Description
You should always tailor your resume to fit the job description! How do you do that? Use key words! My rule of thumb is: If you see a word related to the position come up at least 4 times in the job description, it’s a key word! For instance, if you’re applying to a social media job and they keep using the word ‘data’, then that’s a signal to you, to highlight how you’ve used data in your social media experience. The more the word pops up, the more important it is to use that word in your resume! I talk more about what to look for in a job description here!
Pro Tip: Use Crtl+F to see how many times a certain word pops up!
Add Numbers and Time Frames
This a must for your resume! Too many words on a resume will have a potential employer RUNNING! Not only do numbers and time frames look visually appealing on your resume; more importantly they validate the accomplishments you put on your resume!
Pro Tip: Not every bullet point needs to have a number or time frame, but at least 50% of your bullets per job should include them! Try not to go over five bullets per job!
It’s time to OWN your work experience! You’ve done amazing work and your future employer needs to know it! Your resume is not the time to get shy about how you managed an event of over 50 people, while engaging an online audience through social media! Okkkuuurt!
Even though it goes without saying: Do not lie on your resume! Bragging does NOT equal lying! You can share your experiences, but know that your future employer will check your references, so do not include anything that could be misleading!

Don’t worry, I got you covered! Click HERE to get your Fab Grad Career Bundle!
I’d love to help you with your resume one-on-one! Book a FREE 15-minute career chat with me HERE!
Good luck with your application and I can’t wait to hear all about your NEW JOB! Follow me @thefabgrad to tell me all about your job hunt experience!
Thanks for reading,
