Waiting to be hired can be extremely exhausting and often times disappointing. You find yourself constantly checking your email to see if you got an interview and wondering if your application even made it through HR! But no worries, I’m here to help! Keep reading to learn my tips on What To Do While You’re Waiting To Be Hired!
Before I get into my tips let me be the first one to tell you: It will all work out the way it’s suppose to! Now say this to yourself out loud…I’ll wait. IT WILL ALL WORK OUT THE WAY IT’S SUPPOSE TO! Just like in an interview or at the actual job, you have to believe in what you bring to the table. All the hard work, time, skills, education and preparation you’ve put into getting your next job WILL pay off, but your mentality has to be right in order for you to see the beauty in your own personal journey. Feel motivated now? Great! Let’s get into these tips!
Tip #1: Stay Busy In Your Field
You should be the first person at the networking event and the last one to leave the room! When someone says they work in your industry, immediately, your business card, LinkedIn App, or “Let’s Stay Connected” email should be ready to go! When you don’t have a job (or the job you want) you should be on your grind! It’s easy to be complacent while you’re technically not working or working an in-between job, but I suggest staying busy in your field!
A few ways to do this are to:
Search Eventbrite for local networking events or job fairs
Make connections and start messaging on LinkedIn
Utilize professional organizations within your field
Shadow or request an informational interview with someone in your field
Tip #2: Upgrade Your Skills
Did you know there are websites that can teach you NEW skills you can add to your resume today?! Whenever I want to add a specific skill to my resume like Photoshop or Video Editing I head over to my two favorite sites: Lynda and Skill Share! They both offer a free 1-month trial, but I think it’s a great investment to have as a young professional! If online learning isn’t your thing, then grab a book! There are great books out there that can teach you how to do just about anything. Remember, knowledge is power!
If this all feels too much like school, then ask a friend to teach you what they know! From business concepts to coding, start networking across and learn from your peers and mentors so that you all can get ahead!
Tip #3: Stay Organized
When you’re applying to multiple jobs it can be tough to keep up with all of your applications! That’s why I created an excel sheet to keep myself organized! Click here to download my FREE Fab Grad Job Organization Sheet! This is the exact excel sheet I used when I was applying to jobs and it was super helpful to me while I managed multiple job applications!
Along with the excel sheet, I also gave each job their own folder in my computer so I could refer back to the resume and cover letter I used for each job. Remember, each resume should be tailored to the specific job! To learn more about resumes, check out my blog post here!

I hope this blog post has been helpful for you! Be sure to follow me on social media (@thefabgrad) to keep up with my daily happenings and please let me know in the comments if you have any questions. Also, check out my Youtube channel for more job hunting tips here!
